Welcome to the P&C
Parents and caregivers who choose to be involved with their child’s education can make a significant contribution to the child’s success at school. Glenvale State School P &C fosters, encourages and facilitates all parents and carers involvement in the student’s educational experience at our school.
Through the Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) community minded people, parents and citizens, can take on a more formal role to assist our school in a variety of ways including:
- To foster general community interest in educational matters.
- Encourage closer cooperation between the parents of students attending the school, other members of the community, staff and students of the school.
- To provide advice and recommendations to the principal of the school on issues and concerns in respect of students and the general operation and management of the school.
- To provide or assist in the provision of financial or other resources or services for the benefit of students of the school.
P&C meetings
P&C meetings are held Tuesday of the fourth and eight weeks of each tem commencing at 6:00pm in the administration block. Meetings are advertised in the school newsletter and on Facebook. Everyone is welcome, so if you are interested in seeing what the P&C do, please don’t hesitate to come along.

Calling volunteers
Want to get involved as a parent but don't have a lot of time?
We know that sometimes you would like to help out but may not know what is needed, the Volunteers of Glenvale State School P&C Association group on Facebook allows parents and caregivers of the school to keep up to date with events and fundraisers. It is not a discussion group and you don't need to join the P&C, it's just a better way to communicate when some help is needed for different P&C events. Event coordinators post their volunteer requirements, you just respond if you can help out. Simple!
Executive committee
Executive committee members are elected at the Annual General Meeting via a nomination and voting process. Our executive currently includes the positions of president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. Our executive committee for 2016 is:
- President: Melissa Greensill
- Vice-President: Kirstie Tooley and Sarah Williams
- Secretary: Melanie Harrison
- Treasurer: Rob Ayre
Membership is voluntary and is open to all parents at the school, community members and staff via completion of a membership application and acceptance at either an annual general meeting or general P & C meeting. Application forms are available by emailing pandc@glenvaless.eq.edu.au
P&Cs Queensland
P&Cs Queensland is the peak parent body which represents the interests
of state school parents and citizens associations throughout Queensland.
It has a history of more than 60 years and a membership of almost 1300
P&C associations.
Their mission is to:
- Advocate strategically and consistently at all levels of decision
making, on behalf of parents and affiliated parent organisations
- Support P&C Associations through the
provision of state-of-the-art services, policy advice and professional
To find out more visit their website.
Contact us
For any further information please contact the Glenvale State School P&C Association via:
Operations Manager
Email: pandc@glenvaless.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 4659 2111
...And if you haven't yet, follow us on Facebook.