Our uniform shop is located in the school hall.
It is open
Mondays 8:30 am - 9:00 am and Fridays 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm
A reminder to parents, please label ALL clothing and other items your child brings to school. Children are not vigilant at checking lost property, however we can return property to children if it has a name on it.
Uniform price list
Short sleeve shirt | 4-14, XS, S, M, L
| $30.00 |
School dress | 4-14
| $50.00 |
| 4-14, XS, S M
| $27.00 |
Shorts | 4-14, XS, S, M
| $27.00 |
Microfibre jacket | 6-14, XS, S
| $54.00 |
Microfibre trackpants | 4-16
| $32.00 |
Fleecy zip jacket | 4-16 | $43.00 |
Fleecy trackpants | 4-14
| $35.00 |
Crushable hats | XS, S, M, L
| $31.00 |
Homework satchel | | $14.00 |
Library bag |
| $5.00
Pencil case |
| $10.00 |
Lunch box
| | $15.00 |
Water bottle |
| $8.00
| $3.00 |
Handball |
| $6.00 |
Uniform Order Form